Artwork size 180 x 120cm. SOLD
This piece represents great architecture, some of the best I've ever seen and not just in relation to the incredible homes on that strip, but also the environment around them. This beach is amazing for so many reasons and then it's so much more. For months I'd been there almost daily - relaxing, diving, surfing and passing through on our morning runs with @sallymustang, but it wasn't until recently when I saw it from the view of a helicopter @rotorwinghelicopters that I could truly appreciate its beauty.
The layout of the mountain which spills onto the beach. The jungle canopy which seemingly has been carved by the wind, to cascade down from the light-house to the point where it only just grips onto the cliff faces that surround it and then the rows and layers of reef, just offshore which are called home to an array of sea life - dolphins, turtles, sharks, rays, all sorts of tropical fish and every year for just a few months, even whole families of hump back whales.
Hundreds of thousands of people, locals and from around the world flock to it each year. But you can find privacy if you know where to look...
@sallymustang and I have spent many afternoons and sunsets in our own private spot upon the cliffs. We take a picnic and some wine and perch ourselves up there for hours, watching the surfers and the pods of dolphins all playing in the waves.
It's one of my favourite places, ever. Its cultured and accepting. It's without judgement or criticism. It's homely, but at the same time - exotic, surprising, wild and dangerous.
This is 'Wategos'.
Artwork size 180 x 120cm. SOLD