Artwork size 180 x 120cm (70.8' x 47.2')
We sit, as we connect with love, and we pray.
We pray for friends, family and our own future. We pray for peace, for understanding and grace as we walk into the unknown.
We pray for love, always, for Pachamama and all that she is.
Nature nurtures our voyage into presence, as the medicine guides our way forth.
Though the journey is far from subtle, more an explosion of self - a brutal, but at the same time, calming trip.
A wake-up call, because the plants know, what is needed - the power of now.
Wow, it’s nice to be here with you again. We appreciate this space, this realm, your education and wisdom, we do our best to see you through the tears and fears.
To go through such a physical extreme, only makes sense once we arrive at our destination, once we arrive in peace, gratitude and love.
Silence speaks through example. It teaches us how simple our minds can be, what freedom truly feels like.
This is ‘Silence Speaks’.
I was fortunate enough to create this piece of art, for another. Featured as a brother’s album cover for ‘The Fruitful Darkness’ - Trevor Hall and I have worked together to create a collective of our loves. Through his music and my art, I personally hope that you feel the essence of both of our creations. This art is special to us, food for the soul.
Trevor, brother, I see you and I can’t thank you enough for the opportunity to create this piece. It’s become one of my favorites works to-date and I give thanks to your music, words and constant inspiration. I know this new album will take you to some beautiful places and I’m looking forward to watching that journey continue to unfold.
Much love, Mitch
For more information on Trevor Hall's 'The Fruitful Darkness' click here, our find him on Spotify.
Artwork has SOLD.